Media Coverage: HB 1244 to Allow Signature Withdrawal

The VDA was successful in drawing attention to HB 1244 and its hearing on February 14 in the SD House State Affairs Committee, where the VDA was the only organization to testify in opposition to the bill. We put out this press release after the hearing.

Here is the media coverage that the VDA helped to generate:

Dakota Scout
2/14/24 – GOP lawmakers target alleged misinformation by petition circulators in South Dakota

2/14/24 – Bill allowing voters to withdraw petition signatures clears committee
2/22/24 – Democrat lawmakers lambast signature removal bill

Argus Leader
2/14/24 –  South Dakota could allow people to remove signatures from ballot petitions

SD News Watch
2/19/24 –  Dakotans for Health threatens lawsuit over signature withdrawal bill

SD Searchlight 
2/19/24 – Regret signing that petition? Republicans are here to 'help'
2/20/24 – Responding to abortion-rights effort, House approves bill allowing withdrawn petition signatures

Rapid City Journal
2/20/24 – South Dakota could allow people to remove signatures from ballot petitions



VDA Joins “Protect Our Democracy Coalition” to Fight HB 1244


Press Release: SD Legislators Advance Controversial Change to Ballot Initiative Process